I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.- Thomas Jefferson.
debt clock
Friday, July 29, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
How I Became an Anarchist
Jeff Berwick
Friday, July 15, 2011 at 7:18PM
I remember when I first stumbled upon libertarianism/anarchism/free-markets. For me it was like everything became clear in an instant after 33 years of living in a fog.
As background, I grew up in Canada. A fairly meager existence, really. I grew up in a place where -40C/F is common. That is actually where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales meet - something on which I had plenty of time to ponder while I delivered newspapers at six in the morning in the pitch black streets where there was only two sounds, the wind howling and the deep crunching of snow beneath your feet.
I rarely went to school. After the age of about 12 I had already figured out it was prison for kids and I escaped whenever I could. I'd escape to my Apple II+ clone computer, called a Unitron, and hack away throughout the day or night.
My computer, really, was my best friend. Perhaps because I was a hacker/programmer, I had an innate feeling that there was a solution to everything. I learned through a lot of trial and error that if you have tried absolutely everything and can't do something on a computer then it isn't a fault with your programming, it is a fault with the system itself - something that usually was rectified with a hardware upgrade or a switch to a new computing system or operating system.
I'd look at the world, which in the early 80s, seemed like a dark and dangerous place. We seemed to always be worried about a pending nuclear attack from the Soviets - something which I now know to be 95% fairy tale by the same people creating all the bogeymen today - but at the time it seemed scary. As well, just coming off of the terribly inflationary 70s and the brutal economic environment, everything seemed to be headed downhill.
I looked at things like wars and very bad economic conditions and I thought there must be a way, somehow, to end wars and to end these bad economic times.
Being young and not having access to free-market style information, the only two choices that I thought were available were the typical "left/right" paradigm that still exists for many people today. I looked at the left and all their ideas about welfare and high taxes to "spread the wealth" and knew, instantly, that that wasn't for me. I then looked at the right - which in Canada, at the time, was the Progressive Conservative party. They talked about things like smaller government and free trade and things like that so I gravitated to them as those things seemed good to me.
The Prime Minister at the time was Brian Mulroney, a Progressive Conservative (PC), and I even signed up, at 14, to be a part of the PC party and even became penpals with Brian Mulroney's daughter. That was when I took this photo which, for me, as an adult anarchist that despises the nation state, is probably the most embarrassing photo I've ever taken of myself.
Jeff Berwick for Prime MinisterI remember what I thought when I took that photo - when I am Prime Minister of Canada one day I'll show everyone this photo and show them that it had been my plan, since a young age, to be Prime Minister. As an aside, this is why I am never too angry with young people who get involved with the political process - because I understand because I did that too before I was enlightened.
Life went on and every year I learned a bit more about the world. I got fired from a government union job because I constantly tried to improve the processes in the mail room where I worked. I even pointed out that we probably only needed 3 people to do the job currently being done by 10. The union boss lady didn't like that one bit. I've never had anyone fire me with such a big grin before.
I bounced around for a while, really not having any idea of what I wanted to do until, really, the internet came out and that's when I knew that I had to do something on the internet.
That something took about 10 years of my life and finally, around 2003, I had some free time to really look into why we, as human kind, can never seem to rid ourselves of wars and poverty. I still had it in my mind that there must be an answer - that we just hadn't found it yet.
So, I decided to buy a sailboat and sail the world and figure out what is going on in the world.
By this point I had seen quite a bit of things and I knew the following. I knew that the internet was going to change everything - and for the better. And, after having worked in the military and for unions and for governments I knew that those places were where hope and happiness died. And, finally, after starting up a number of private businesses and trying to employ people and create wealth I knew that government had only one role in my life and that was to impede me at every step of the process.
One of the first people I came across who started to expand my mind greatly was Doug Casey. In fact, I still remember the first article I read of his. It wasn't anything grand, in fact, it was a basic little commentary that is still on the internet today called "A Short Course in Clearing Customs".
The article caught my eye because I had been traveling and had learned what a pain it was to clear customs in every country and everything that Doug said in that article was how I felt - but I didn't know it was okay to feel that way!
It wasn't too long after that I had somehow found myself sitting at dinner with Doug Casey in Vancouver. He asked me a few things about myself and I told him how I felt, generally, about things, because of my past experience.
Doug sat back and said, "Oh, so you're a libertarian."
My response to him was, "What's a libertarian?"
I didn't even know there was a word for wanting to be free of government control! That's the way the government likes it, too. As long as they can keep people thinking there is only left or right - which are both just heavily statist views with only slight differences - then they can keep people from discovering that government is the problem, not the solution.
Armed with the new-found knowledge that I was a libertarian I headed straight home to my computer and looked up everything I could find to read on the subject. During dinner I had asked Doug many questions about how a world would work without government. All the usual questions that neophytes ask. How would the roads work? Firefighters? Police?
Doug was very patient with me but finally he mentioned that there was a book that had answers to all those questions. It's actually almost a pamphlet it is such a short book. And, it is available for free on the internet. It is called "The Market for Liberty".
I don't remember the exact date I read it but it was some time around 2004. On that date, after a long and circuitous path I finally answered the question I asked when I was young.
How can we end all wars? End government. How can we end poverty? End government. How can we, as humans, reach our full potential? Through peace, property rights and the non-aggression principle - something which is impossible with government.
As Stefan Molyneux explains in the video below, and as I knew from my days as a programmer, if you cannot find the solution to a problem then it is the system itself which is broken.
When trying to solve a problem if things get more and more and more complex, like they did when people thought the earth was the center of the solar system, it is usually a sign that it is the system - the whole basis of the theory - that is wrong. Look at government today and the gigantic mess it is in trying to rid the world of poverty and to improve the human condition through the coercive force of the government.
The way people felt the day they realized the sun was at the center of the solar system is how I felt the day I realized that the way towards peace and prosperity for humanity is in anarchism - living without a forceful ruler.
As background, I grew up in Canada. A fairly meager existence, really. I grew up in a place where -40C/F is common. That is actually where the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales meet - something on which I had plenty of time to ponder while I delivered newspapers at six in the morning in the pitch black streets where there was only two sounds, the wind howling and the deep crunching of snow beneath your feet.
I rarely went to school. After the age of about 12 I had already figured out it was prison for kids and I escaped whenever I could. I'd escape to my Apple II+ clone computer, called a Unitron, and hack away throughout the day or night.
My computer, really, was my best friend. Perhaps because I was a hacker/programmer, I had an innate feeling that there was a solution to everything. I learned through a lot of trial and error that if you have tried absolutely everything and can't do something on a computer then it isn't a fault with your programming, it is a fault with the system itself - something that usually was rectified with a hardware upgrade or a switch to a new computing system or operating system.
I'd look at the world, which in the early 80s, seemed like a dark and dangerous place. We seemed to always be worried about a pending nuclear attack from the Soviets - something which I now know to be 95% fairy tale by the same people creating all the bogeymen today - but at the time it seemed scary. As well, just coming off of the terribly inflationary 70s and the brutal economic environment, everything seemed to be headed downhill.
I looked at things like wars and very bad economic conditions and I thought there must be a way, somehow, to end wars and to end these bad economic times.
Being young and not having access to free-market style information, the only two choices that I thought were available were the typical "left/right" paradigm that still exists for many people today. I looked at the left and all their ideas about welfare and high taxes to "spread the wealth" and knew, instantly, that that wasn't for me. I then looked at the right - which in Canada, at the time, was the Progressive Conservative party. They talked about things like smaller government and free trade and things like that so I gravitated to them as those things seemed good to me.
The Prime Minister at the time was Brian Mulroney, a Progressive Conservative (PC), and I even signed up, at 14, to be a part of the PC party and even became penpals with Brian Mulroney's daughter. That was when I took this photo which, for me, as an adult anarchist that despises the nation state, is probably the most embarrassing photo I've ever taken of myself.
Life went on and every year I learned a bit more about the world. I got fired from a government union job because I constantly tried to improve the processes in the mail room where I worked. I even pointed out that we probably only needed 3 people to do the job currently being done by 10. The union boss lady didn't like that one bit. I've never had anyone fire me with such a big grin before.
I bounced around for a while, really not having any idea of what I wanted to do until, really, the internet came out and that's when I knew that I had to do something on the internet.
That something took about 10 years of my life and finally, around 2003, I had some free time to really look into why we, as human kind, can never seem to rid ourselves of wars and poverty. I still had it in my mind that there must be an answer - that we just hadn't found it yet.
So, I decided to buy a sailboat and sail the world and figure out what is going on in the world.
By this point I had seen quite a bit of things and I knew the following. I knew that the internet was going to change everything - and for the better. And, after having worked in the military and for unions and for governments I knew that those places were where hope and happiness died. And, finally, after starting up a number of private businesses and trying to employ people and create wealth I knew that government had only one role in my life and that was to impede me at every step of the process.
One of the first people I came across who started to expand my mind greatly was Doug Casey. In fact, I still remember the first article I read of his. It wasn't anything grand, in fact, it was a basic little commentary that is still on the internet today called "A Short Course in Clearing Customs".
The article caught my eye because I had been traveling and had learned what a pain it was to clear customs in every country and everything that Doug said in that article was how I felt - but I didn't know it was okay to feel that way!
It wasn't too long after that I had somehow found myself sitting at dinner with Doug Casey in Vancouver. He asked me a few things about myself and I told him how I felt, generally, about things, because of my past experience.
Doug sat back and said, "Oh, so you're a libertarian."
My response to him was, "What's a libertarian?"
I didn't even know there was a word for wanting to be free of government control! That's the way the government likes it, too. As long as they can keep people thinking there is only left or right - which are both just heavily statist views with only slight differences - then they can keep people from discovering that government is the problem, not the solution.
Armed with the new-found knowledge that I was a libertarian I headed straight home to my computer and looked up everything I could find to read on the subject. During dinner I had asked Doug many questions about how a world would work without government. All the usual questions that neophytes ask. How would the roads work? Firefighters? Police?
Doug was very patient with me but finally he mentioned that there was a book that had answers to all those questions. It's actually almost a pamphlet it is such a short book. And, it is available for free on the internet. It is called "The Market for Liberty".
I don't remember the exact date I read it but it was some time around 2004. On that date, after a long and circuitous path I finally answered the question I asked when I was young.
How can we end all wars? End government. How can we end poverty? End government. How can we, as humans, reach our full potential? Through peace, property rights and the non-aggression principle - something which is impossible with government.
As Stefan Molyneux explains in the video below, and as I knew from my days as a programmer, if you cannot find the solution to a problem then it is the system itself which is broken.
When trying to solve a problem if things get more and more and more complex, like they did when people thought the earth was the center of the solar system, it is usually a sign that it is the system - the whole basis of the theory - that is wrong. Look at government today and the gigantic mess it is in trying to rid the world of poverty and to improve the human condition through the coercive force of the government.
The way people felt the day they realized the sun was at the center of the solar system is how I felt the day I realized that the way towards peace and prosperity for humanity is in anarchism - living without a forceful ruler.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Who Owes What to Whom?
The Successful Have No Obligation to "Give Back"
February 2002 • Volume: 52 • Issue: 2
For a society that has fed, clothed, housed, cared for, informed, entertained, and otherwise enriched more people at higher levels than any in the history of the planet, there sure is a lot of groundless guilt in America.
Manifestations of that guilt abound. The example that peeves me the most is the one we often hear from well-meaning philanthropists who adorn their charitable giving with this little chestnut: “I want to give something back.” It always sounds as though they’re apologizing for having been successful.
Translated, that statement means something like this: “I’ve accumulated some wealth over the years. Never mind how I did it, I just feel guilty for having done it. There’s something wrong with my having more than somebody else, but don’t ask me to explain how or why because it’s just a fuzzy, uneasy feeling on my part. Because I have something, I feel obligated to have less of it. It makes me feel good to give it away because doing so expunges me of the sin of having it in the first place. Now I’m a good guy, am I not?”
It was apparent to me how deeply ingrained this mindset has become when I visited the gravesite of John D. Rockefeller at Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland a couple years ago. The wording on a nearby plaque commemorating the life of this remarkable entrepreneur implied that giving much of his fortune away was as worthy an achievement as building the great international enterprise, Standard Oil, that produced it in the first place. The history books most kids learn from these days go a step further. They routinely criticize people like Rockefeller for the wealth they created and for the profit motive, or self-interest, that played a part in their creating it, while lauding them for relieving themselves of the money.
More than once, philanthropists have bestowed contributions on my organization and explained they were “giving something back.” They meant that by giving to us, they were paying some debt to society at large. It turns out that, with few exceptions, these philanthropists really had not done anything wrong. They made money in their lives, to be sure, but they didn’t steal it. They took risks they didn’t have to. They invested their own funds, or what they first borrowed and later paid back with interest. They created jobs, paid market wages to willing workers, and thereby generated livelihoods for thousands of families. They invented things that didn’t exist before, some of which saved lives and made us healthier. They manufactured products and provided services, for which they asked and received market prices. They had willing and eager customers who came back for more again and again. They had stockholders to whom they had to offer favorable returns. They also had competitors, and had to stay on top of things or lose out to them. They didn’t use force to get where they got; they relied on free exchange and voluntary contract. They paid their bills and debts in full. And every year they donated some of their profits to lots of community charities no law required them to support. Not a one of them that I know ever did any jail time for anything.
So how is it that anybody can add all that up and still feel guilty? I suspect that if they are genuinely guilty of anything, it’s allowing themselves to be intimidated by the losers and the envious of the world–the people who are in the redistribution business either because they don’t know how to create anything or they simply choose the easy way out. They just take what they want, or hire politicians to take it for them.
Or like a few in the clergy who think that wealth is not made but simply “collected,” the redistributionists lay a guilt trip on people until they disgorge their lucre–notwithstanding the Tenth Commandment against coveting. Certainly, people of faith have an obligation to support their church, mosque, or synagogue, but that’s another matter and not at issue here.
Real Giving Back
A person who breaches a contract owes something, but it’s to the specific party on the other side of the deal. Steal someone else’s property and you owe it to the person you stole it from, not society, to give it back. Those obligations are real and they stem from a voluntary agreement in the first instance or from an immoral act of theft in the second. This business of “giving something back” simply because you earned it amounts to manufacturing mystical obligations where none exist in reality. It turns the whole concept of “debt” on its head. To give it “back” means it wasn’t yours in the first place, but the creation of wealth through private initiative and voluntary exchange does not involve the expropriation of anyone’s rightful property.
How can it possibly be otherwise? By what rational measure does a successful person in a free market, who has made good on all his debts and obligations in the traditional sense, owe something further to a nebulous entity called society? If Entrepreneur X earns a billion dollars and Entrepreneur Y earns two billion, would it make sense to say that Y should “give back” twice as much as X? And if so, who should decide to whom he owes it? Clearly, the whole notion of “giving something back” just because you have it is built on intellectual quicksand.
Successful people who earn their wealth through free and peaceful exchange may choose to give some of it away, but they’d be no less moral and no less debt-free if they gave away nothing. It cheapens the powerful charitable impulse that all but a few people possess to suggest that charity is equivalent to debt service or that it should be motivated by any degree of guilt or self-flagellation.
A partial list of those who honestly do have an obligation to give something back would include bank robbers, shoplifters, scam artists, deadbeats, and politicians who “bring home the bacon.” They have good reason to feel guilt, because they’re guilty.
But if you are an exemplar of the free and entrepreneurial society, one who has truly earned and husbanded what you have and have done nothing to injure the lives, property, or rights of others, you are a different breed altogether. When you give, you should do so because of the personal satisfaction you derive from supporting worthy causes, not because you need to salve a guilty conscience.
February 2002 • Volume: 52 • Issue: 2
For a society that has fed, clothed, housed, cared for, informed, entertained, and otherwise enriched more people at higher levels than any in the history of the planet, there sure is a lot of groundless guilt in America.
Manifestations of that guilt abound. The example that peeves me the most is the one we often hear from well-meaning philanthropists who adorn their charitable giving with this little chestnut: “I want to give something back.” It always sounds as though they’re apologizing for having been successful.
Translated, that statement means something like this: “I’ve accumulated some wealth over the years. Never mind how I did it, I just feel guilty for having done it. There’s something wrong with my having more than somebody else, but don’t ask me to explain how or why because it’s just a fuzzy, uneasy feeling on my part. Because I have something, I feel obligated to have less of it. It makes me feel good to give it away because doing so expunges me of the sin of having it in the first place. Now I’m a good guy, am I not?”
It was apparent to me how deeply ingrained this mindset has become when I visited the gravesite of John D. Rockefeller at Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland a couple years ago. The wording on a nearby plaque commemorating the life of this remarkable entrepreneur implied that giving much of his fortune away was as worthy an achievement as building the great international enterprise, Standard Oil, that produced it in the first place. The history books most kids learn from these days go a step further. They routinely criticize people like Rockefeller for the wealth they created and for the profit motive, or self-interest, that played a part in their creating it, while lauding them for relieving themselves of the money.
More than once, philanthropists have bestowed contributions on my organization and explained they were “giving something back.” They meant that by giving to us, they were paying some debt to society at large. It turns out that, with few exceptions, these philanthropists really had not done anything wrong. They made money in their lives, to be sure, but they didn’t steal it. They took risks they didn’t have to. They invested their own funds, or what they first borrowed and later paid back with interest. They created jobs, paid market wages to willing workers, and thereby generated livelihoods for thousands of families. They invented things that didn’t exist before, some of which saved lives and made us healthier. They manufactured products and provided services, for which they asked and received market prices. They had willing and eager customers who came back for more again and again. They had stockholders to whom they had to offer favorable returns. They also had competitors, and had to stay on top of things or lose out to them. They didn’t use force to get where they got; they relied on free exchange and voluntary contract. They paid their bills and debts in full. And every year they donated some of their profits to lots of community charities no law required them to support. Not a one of them that I know ever did any jail time for anything.
So how is it that anybody can add all that up and still feel guilty? I suspect that if they are genuinely guilty of anything, it’s allowing themselves to be intimidated by the losers and the envious of the world–the people who are in the redistribution business either because they don’t know how to create anything or they simply choose the easy way out. They just take what they want, or hire politicians to take it for them.
Or like a few in the clergy who think that wealth is not made but simply “collected,” the redistributionists lay a guilt trip on people until they disgorge their lucre–notwithstanding the Tenth Commandment against coveting. Certainly, people of faith have an obligation to support their church, mosque, or synagogue, but that’s another matter and not at issue here.
Real Giving Back
A person who breaches a contract owes something, but it’s to the specific party on the other side of the deal. Steal someone else’s property and you owe it to the person you stole it from, not society, to give it back. Those obligations are real and they stem from a voluntary agreement in the first instance or from an immoral act of theft in the second. This business of “giving something back” simply because you earned it amounts to manufacturing mystical obligations where none exist in reality. It turns the whole concept of “debt” on its head. To give it “back” means it wasn’t yours in the first place, but the creation of wealth through private initiative and voluntary exchange does not involve the expropriation of anyone’s rightful property.
How can it possibly be otherwise? By what rational measure does a successful person in a free market, who has made good on all his debts and obligations in the traditional sense, owe something further to a nebulous entity called society? If Entrepreneur X earns a billion dollars and Entrepreneur Y earns two billion, would it make sense to say that Y should “give back” twice as much as X? And if so, who should decide to whom he owes it? Clearly, the whole notion of “giving something back” just because you have it is built on intellectual quicksand.
Successful people who earn their wealth through free and peaceful exchange may choose to give some of it away, but they’d be no less moral and no less debt-free if they gave away nothing. It cheapens the powerful charitable impulse that all but a few people possess to suggest that charity is equivalent to debt service or that it should be motivated by any degree of guilt or self-flagellation.
A partial list of those who honestly do have an obligation to give something back would include bank robbers, shoplifters, scam artists, deadbeats, and politicians who “bring home the bacon.” They have good reason to feel guilt, because they’re guilty.
But if you are an exemplar of the free and entrepreneurial society, one who has truly earned and husbanded what you have and have done nothing to injure the lives, property, or rights of others, you are a different breed altogether. When you give, you should do so because of the personal satisfaction you derive from supporting worthy causes, not because you need to salve a guilty conscience.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
letter from Claire McCaskill
Dear Dr. Graviss,
Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about U.S. trade policies. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
As you are well aware, Congress faces many challenges regarding America's foreign trade relationships. Currently, the U.S. is still working on several pending Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and the global community is in its 10th year of the Doha Development Round of the WTO. While these FTAs have the potential to increase production in the U.S., we have to make sure that our trade policy doesn't result in an unmanageable trade deficit that ships jobs overseas.
I continue to closely examine each trade agreement, including those still undergoing negotiation, being sought or already agreed to. I recognize that a well-structured trade agreement can provide highly sought after opportunities for Missouri producers, including those in our agricultural and manufacturing sectors, to export their products to foreign markets with fewer bureaucratic hurdles. In fact, I support the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement because it has the potential to allow Missouri businesses to drastically expand exports to Korea, which is already America's fifth largest export market with over $5.3 billion in exports. The agreement will provide expanded access for U.S.-made automobiles, including those made in Missouri, and be particularly beneficial for Missouri's corn, pork, poultry and dairy producers. The agreement has the support of both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the United Auto Workers union. I am hopeful this agreement will be approved by the U.S. Senate this summer.
In the near future, trade agreements being finalized with Panama and Columbia may also come before the Senate for consideration. I look forward to closely studying the final details of these agreements to determine if they will be similarly beneficial to Missouri.
Even as we consider new trade agreements and celebrate the positive economic impact they can have, we must also assist those industries that may not benefit, or even be harmed, by such agreements. I have and continue to support the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. This federal program provides re-employment services and benefits to workers who lose their jobs as a result of increased foreign trade. The TAA program is critical to those Americans who have no choice but to start over when their company moves some or all of its operations overseas. You may also be interested to know that, in December 2010, I supported the Omnibus Trade Act, which kept expanded TAA programs that were authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act running until February 12, 2011. Unfortunately, bickering in Congress has prevented a further extension since then. If you would like more information regarding TAA, please visit http://www.doleta.gov/tradeact/.
The U.S. is the world's leading trade partner and with that comes a responsibility to establish trade policies that strengthen our role in the global economy, but also protect American workers and industry. I will continue to work to advance these important objectives in the U.S. Senate.
Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other issue.
Claire McCaskill
United States Senator
Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about U.S. trade policies. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
As you are well aware, Congress faces many challenges regarding America's foreign trade relationships. Currently, the U.S. is still working on several pending Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and the global community is in its 10th year of the Doha Development Round of the WTO. While these FTAs have the potential to increase production in the U.S., we have to make sure that our trade policy doesn't result in an unmanageable trade deficit that ships jobs overseas.
I continue to closely examine each trade agreement, including those still undergoing negotiation, being sought or already agreed to. I recognize that a well-structured trade agreement can provide highly sought after opportunities for Missouri producers, including those in our agricultural and manufacturing sectors, to export their products to foreign markets with fewer bureaucratic hurdles. In fact, I support the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement because it has the potential to allow Missouri businesses to drastically expand exports to Korea, which is already America's fifth largest export market with over $5.3 billion in exports. The agreement will provide expanded access for U.S.-made automobiles, including those made in Missouri, and be particularly beneficial for Missouri's corn, pork, poultry and dairy producers. The agreement has the support of both the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the United Auto Workers union. I am hopeful this agreement will be approved by the U.S. Senate this summer.
In the near future, trade agreements being finalized with Panama and Columbia may also come before the Senate for consideration. I look forward to closely studying the final details of these agreements to determine if they will be similarly beneficial to Missouri.
Even as we consider new trade agreements and celebrate the positive economic impact they can have, we must also assist those industries that may not benefit, or even be harmed, by such agreements. I have and continue to support the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program. This federal program provides re-employment services and benefits to workers who lose their jobs as a result of increased foreign trade. The TAA program is critical to those Americans who have no choice but to start over when their company moves some or all of its operations overseas. You may also be interested to know that, in December 2010, I supported the Omnibus Trade Act, which kept expanded TAA programs that were authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act running until February 12, 2011. Unfortunately, bickering in Congress has prevented a further extension since then. If you would like more information regarding TAA, please visit http://www.doleta.gov/tradeact/.
The U.S. is the world's leading trade partner and with that comes a responsibility to establish trade policies that strengthen our role in the global economy, but also protect American workers and industry. I will continue to work to advance these important objectives in the U.S. Senate.
Again, thank you for contacting me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other issue.
Claire McCaskill
United States Senator
The Rise of the Barter Economy
Imagine a day when you go to buy a quart of milk, ask the price, and the cashier says, "that'll be a tenth ounce silver." As the US dollar's decline accelerates, several efforts around the country are trying to make this vision a reality.
Historically, paying for items in silver or gold was actually quite common. We happen to live in an unusual time and place where generations have grown up trading exclusively in paper. While my parents still used dimes made of silver, we have now gone several decades with no precious metals in any of our official coinage. But this system of money by government fiat is unsustainable.
While the practice of bartering precious metals directly for goods and services has continued on a small-scale over the last few decades, the 2000s saw the beginning of organized efforts to revive gold and silver as money.
One such effort was spearheaded by an eccentric mintmaster from Hawaii named Bernard Von Nothaus. He called his project the Liberty Dollar, and it centered on privately minted gold and silver rounds as well as deposit certificates for precious metals held in his firm's vaults.I had many reservations about how the project was implemented - coins were minted with a fixed US dollar amount at which they were supposed to circulate, the dollar amount was well above the spot price of the metal, and authorized "distributors" were allowed to pocket the difference (which often resulted in buyers paying far higher prices for their gold than what they would have paid had they simply bought, say, Canadian Maple Leafs instead) - but I believe Nothaus' idea was a good one, even if the product was over-priced. Tellingly, despite the obvious flaws, public participation grew steadily from 1998 until 2007, when federal agents raided the Liberty Dollar's offices on trumped-up charges of counterfeiting.
Really, they were charging him with competing with the US dollar's monopoly privileges by offering a better product. It's important to note that the case against Nothaus was built around his coins looking similar to official US coinage (though no one actually mistook Liberty Dollars for US currency), and not around encouraging people to use precious metals as circulating money.
Next came a crop of internet-based currencies backed by gold and silver. Most prominent among them are eGold and GoldMoney. Both were designed to allow customers to open online accounts that were valued in, and backed by, gold and silver bullion.eGold was perhaps the better known of the two until it, too, was shut down by the US government on charges of money laundering. eGold was positioned more as an online payment system than a means of holding bullion. Due to the anonymous nature of the transactions - it was akin to spending cash - the authorities alleged that it was being used by criminal enterprises to funnel illegal funds. But mostly it was being used by regular people to begin saving and trading in money that holds its value. eGold had a transparent system of annual audits and live transaction screening by any user to keep the system honest. It, too, was growing robustly, and was putting up strong competition against PayPal until the authorities intervened.
GoldMoney, founded by my friend James Turk, has remained in operation by keeping its principal operations overseas and by cooperating fully with onerous US financial regulations. It offers similar services to eGold, but with an emphasis on long-term storage. GoldMoney improves upon traditional storage by locating offshore, offering real-time online account access, and providing extra liquidity. These services do come at a cost, however. Still, over the course of the last decade, GoldMoney has swelled to over $2 billion in assets. Clearly, many people want to trade gold and silver over US dollars.
Digital gold is a niche service, but I think the public's rapid embrace of these projects - none older than ten years - shows that investors are viewing gold and silver as more than mere commodities, but once again seeing them as money. This could signal a paradigm shift back to tradition, which is good news for any precious metals holder.
While digital currencies are neat, in practical terms, nothing beats the resilience of traditional barter of bullion for goods and services. If you actually own the physical gold and silver that you intend to save or trade, then you can be sure it will be there until you're ready to sell. You don't have to trust anyone except yourself.In that vein, several efforts have popped up around the country to simply get people trading gold and silver rather than dollars. Since the transactions involved are usually small, such as buying lunch at a local diner, silver is typically the metal of choice.
There are several hotspots for this sort of activity.
Philadelphia has one group, DelValley Silver, that has fostered a local barter market there by encouraging merchants to accept silver coins in addition to dollars. DelValley is also a silver dealer, but they sell privately minted rounds, which can be harder to liquidate than well-known coins like the American Gold Eagle and Canadian Maple Leaf.
Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, many merchants associated with the Free State Project have begun accepting gold and silver at their businesses. Innovation abounds here and the practice of encasing small amounts of silver in laminated cards seems to be the most successful.
Shire Silver encloses silver and gold wire in their cards and measures them in terms of grams. It's much easier to trade a flat, plastic card containing a gram of silver than to carry around a 1 oz coin. However, even their website will admit that the premium on such a small amount of silver makes it less than ideal for investment purposes. Of course, when you're ready to barter, they'll be happy to take your 1 oz rounds in return for some Shire Silver. And that Shire Silver is being accepted by more and more merchants across New Hampshire and beyond.
Another variation, from a group based in Phoenix, Arizona, encloses a pre-1965 US dime inside the laminated card. Before '65, every dime contained 90% silver, making them worth about $2.50 each in today's debased dollars. That's why you won't find any pre-'65 dimes in your change from the grocery store. However, one fellow had the clever idea of putting them in these cards so they could trade at their silver value without getting mixed in with the worthless dimes we carry around today. The same group even created a free iPhone app that translates US dollar prices into various amounts of silver (more info here).
While I'll still be selling regular old bullion coins and bars at Euro Pacific Precious Metals, because these are the best way to invest in physical precious metals, I am energized by these efforts. The great thing about holding and bartering physical precious metals is that there is no central company running the operations, like with the digital gold currencies, and therefore there's no single person the government can go after.
(My new offshore bank, Euro Pacific Bank, Ltd., will soon be offering Visa-branded debit cards back by individual holdings of gold or silver. Euro Pacific Bank customers will be able to purchase gold from the bank, have it stored, and then access their holdings directly using their Visa cards to either make purchases though merchants or withdraw cash from banks and ATMs. Unfortunately, due to the reasons described above, I cannot offer this service to US customers. For more information about my offshore brokerage and banking companies, please visit www.europacintl.com.)
Besides these grassroots efforts at building barter communities, I'm seeing a cultural shift in favor of precious metals. Utah recently passed a law establishing gold and silver as legal tender and abolishing state capital gains taxes on their appreciation. I was interviewed for a new animated film called Silver Circle that features a rebel group in the near future which mints silver coins in defiance of an even more aggressive Federal Reserve. More and more people are starting to watch the gold price as often as they watch the Dow.Overall, this bodes well for our investments and for our country. If gold and silver are successfully re-monetized, our children may know a rate of economic growth not seen since our great-grandparents were in their prime. And prices may never return to today's levels again.
Gold Analysis: Liquidity Flows Maul MACD and RSI
By: Stewart Thomson | Tue, Jul 5, 2011
July 5, 2011
Graceland Updates 4am-7am
July 5, 2011
- If you are a gold market investor, click this link now to view the world's most important gold market chart.
- You are correct, if you think that is a rice chart. What happens to the price of food is going to affect the gold price in a very big way.
- Gold is the main thermometer of the world's financial health. When the price of gold rises, the gold thermometer is telling you that something is wrong with the financial health of the world.
- The price of food must rise to give financial incentive to farmers to produce more food, yet that same rise in price threatens to cause rioting amongst Asian consumers who can't afford to pay much more than they are paying now for their food.
- Some sources put the number of suicides amongst Asian farmers at over 200,000 over the past decade. Click this link now to view one viewpoint on the situation.
- Rice has been gapping higher in for the past few trading sessions. If it moves a bit higher from here, it will negate the sloppy head and shoulders top technical formation on the daily chart. At that point, rice could begin to surge.
- In turn, that means more problems for Asian food consumers. Do you think that horror will be reflected in the gold price? You better believe it will be.
- Click this weekly rice chart link now to view the massive head and shoulder bottoming formation, one that totally overwhelms the daily chart topping action.
- If you recently jettisoned your gold and gold stocks because of the red circles on this gold chart, you have probably made one of the greatest investment errors in the history of the world, and arguably the greatest investment error of all time. If you jettisoned your gold because of "seasonals", or for "a sure thing US dollar rally", you may soon learn just how high the MACD indicator can really go while giving technical timers one failed sell signal after another.
- That process could go on for years, and the only question is, are you onside? Look closely at the 12,26,9 series on that monthly gold chart. Do you see the level that is at? It is trading at about 140. I expect to see that monthly chart MACD for gold go to stratospheric higher levels that you can't even imagine right now, and stay there, for many, many years.
- MACD does not rule liquidity flows. Liquidity flows rule gold's price. Most gold market technicians playing with their oscillator and indicator sell signals need a major lesson in understanding what creates charts.
- What the crazed gold top callers need to understand is that MACD is not an oscillator like RSI is. Oscillators like RSI trade in a fixed range, like between 0-100.
- There is no fixed range for MACD. The MACD on the Dow went to about 1000 in the 1990s bull market, while amateur technicians killed themselves financially by top calling that market. Their coveted MACD indicator issued one "sell signal" after another, and each signal failed. The market finally turned down, ironically, as their indicator started to go to a buy signal. What a horror.
- As for the much-vaunted RSI trading "overbought over 70, sell everything now!" madness, you need to understand that RSI can go above 70 on the monthly charts in any major asset, stay there for many years, and do so... while price absolutely skyrockets!
- You need to look at central bank liquidity flows, not MACD or RSI. Put a lid on the technical analysis and get focused on liquidity flows. In 2010 central banks began to buy gold rather than sell gold, as a group. If you think that is because of some "epiphany of understanding the nature of gold", you are free to believe so, but the reality is that central banks are buying gold to devalue the dollar, and all paper money. These buy programs have only just started, and they are not going away...
- The decision is yours. Get with the program, the gold program. Or, hang out at the US dollar photocopier, alongside the MACD and RSI-obsessed clowns. This gold bull market will turn the top calling technicians into beached whales. I don't think you are going to like what happens as the price of food begins to skyrocket, especially if you are on team photocopier now...
- In this crisis, I view the market action of moving from gold to paper currency "because gold might fall down" as akin to sucking on a baby bottle. In this crisis, babies build dollars of wealth issued to them by Daddy Bankster and Mommy Gman. Grown-ups build ounces of wealth. Which are you?...
- Don't be a bankster mark, and hand them your gold because of seasonals or technical analysis. You should be buying gold and gold-related items now, not selling. You have been hoodwinked by technical analysis. Charts serve a purpose, but they don't build wealth by themselves....
- A reading of 125-150 for MACD on the monthly gold chart is not high, given the magnitude of the OTC derivatives and unfunded liabilities twin debts crisis. MACD in this range is not even high compared to other massive bull markets in other assets....
- The bottom line: show me a chart, and I'll show you a bankster with a paintbrush...
- Bob Moriarty thinks the crisis "ends" with either the US gov't becoming a full-fledged dictatorship, or a revolution occurs. Maybe you get treated to one, and then the other occurs, too! Nothing has been fixed, and nothing has been solved. A director of the Australian central bank just called the 2008 crisis a "blip" compared to what is coming.
- Elmer Fudd Public Investor knows that director is an idiot and everything is fixed, because his golf ball advisor says so. He knows that Bill Gross is a failed timer because bonds didn't go down after he sold all of his bonds. Are you sure that Fudd is as smart as he thinks he is? ...
- If 2008 is a "blip" on the crisis performance meter, do you think selling your gold and related items over the past month, because of what is no more than a limited understanding of technical indicators and oscillators... is that action really an intelligent decision, on your end of the crisis ranch? You got your dollars, but what do you do with them now? Fix your error, or you will be lead character in the burn and learn financial TV show. ...
- I estimate 85% of the gold community sold gold and stock over the past month, at losses. As you think about that "2008 is a blip compared to what is coming" statement, if you sold gold for dollars, you are not in the safety zone. You are in the blast furnace. Prepare to burn. Click this short term gold chart now to view the gold punisher in action this morning against the dollar, powering through a number of short term resistance markers on the road to recapturing $1512. Focus on those light blue HSR (horizontal support and resistance) lines today, and nothing more! ...
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